Starting a new level!

So, another week has gone by, and so have the pre play testing editing of the level I was currently working on! ANOTHER LEVEL!!! It seems as though the demo release date looms ever present, slowly marching its way towards me!!! And as if that isn’t enough, there is a certain stream that focuses on lesser known, but still talented, game developers…and they have invited me to be on their November 20th show! Yay…I think…maybe…. No time like now to get some basic feedback as to the playability and viability of this project! I will be uploading a video, but it will be a tad late…I am dreadfully sorry, and will rectify this as soon as I am able to finish the editing! Hope everyone has a wonderful week, and look forward to seeing you all soon! 

Forrest, Rusty Chicken Games, and The Captain!

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